Saturday, October 16, 2010

what i do all day long

so someone asked me if i prefer people's company in person or on the internet. i don't know why this is bothering me so much but it's probably because i spend an overwhelming amount of time on the internet and feel like i need to justify why. it's mostly because of this.

i had to sign up for an online class to make it as a full time student. it's women's studies/ethnic studies... focus on asian and hawaiian women. i have to literally sit in front of the computer for at least ten hours a week listening to podcasts, reading papers and watching videos for this class alone. so i get bored really easily and end up posting stupid shit on facebook all day. consequence, really.

if i didn't have this online class i probably would be playing more video games or going out more or maybe even working more. this class alone takes up 50% of my study time and it has all these ridiculous deadlines. right now i'm trying to write a paper on a person i never even interviewed. ugh! so yeah that's why i'm writing this. because i'm avoiding that paper. oh and i'm bored of facebook.

in other news: it is crazy hot in my room right now and i would do anything to be at the beach. i downloaded faraquet's anthology and am in love. fallout new vegas release in three days. i am looking into making a pizza from scratch! i bought soy beans for tofu but lack a blender. this is just a ramble.

p.s. if you want to see my desktop... well here you go.

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