Sunday, May 22, 2011

the itching continues...!

I have a pretty awesome (glow in the dark) boyfriend.

And a pretty cool cow-skinned cat.

And I seriously regret not buying this lovely pair.

i can't sleep

I'm being tormented by fleas.

I'm about to go buy a shit ton of bug repellant and go ape shit on these motherfuckers.

It's going to be sweet.

They don't know what's coming.

Monday, May 16, 2011

pizza post!

Well, sort of.

One of the shitty things about digital cameras is having to upload the photos onto your computer. I'm so lazy/forgetful. So my posts are always so bulky. Maybe this summer there will be some consistency, but I wouldn't bet my money on it.

Anyway! Basically, I don't think I've mentioned Pizza Club before. Basically, Joe and I (since we met almost three years ago) make bi-monthly meets to eat pizza and shoot the shit. Most of our ventures were to Sam's Club because we're reasonably poor, but sometimes we'd splurge and go to someplace fancy like J.J.'s. Anyway, we've gotten more creative with the club.

On this meet, we got a Frechetta five cheese brick oven! Which we added mushrooms and LOTS of garlic to.

Out of the oven. Onto my plate!

Site note: should saute the mushrooms before garnishing, they released too much moisture onto the pizza.

Joe's house is hilarious. He has these pidgin fridge magnets that his roommate got while in Molokai. Daikon legs and onolicious are my two faves.

Plus they had these sweet magnets. "Splatapus" hahaha!

And that's about it. Here's a CPK pizza to finish!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

ugh ugh ugh

So I finally got around to cutting my hair. I've been really bad about cutting it (bits and pieces at a time) but I watched this video and got the technique down. Posting it here for reference.

Pretty excited that the summer is finally here. I started reading Solaris much to Dan's delight and I'm enjoying it so far. It's kind of nice to read for the sake of reading again. Not so excited because today is the last day for Frappuccino Happy Hour (half off fraps from 3p-5p) and then treat receipt (buy something before 2p, bring back your receipt after 2p for any grande sized iced drink for $2) starts in June. I wish I could be thrilled-- but it just means it'll be really busy again.

I'm taking a summer class. It's called Gandhi, King and Non-violence. Kind of excited since I took History of India this semester and we left off on the non-violence and partition. Didn't divulge too much into the subject, or at least not as much as I had wanted to. Still think it's super bizarre that UH offers courses under Peace and Conflict Education. I didn't even realize that could be a studies.

Anyway, I'm way too frustrated with my keyboard to continue writing.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

so that you will hear me

So that you will hear me
my words
sometimes grow thin
as the tracks of the gulls on the beaches.

Necklace, drunken bell
for your hands smooth as grapes.

And I watch my words from a long way off.
They are more yours than mine.
They climb on my old suffering like ivy.

It climbs the same way on damp walls.
You are to blame for this cruel sport.
They are fleeing from my dark lair.
You fill everything, you fill everything.

Before you they peopled the solitude that you occupy,
and they are more used to my sadness than you are.

Now I want them to say what I want to say to you
to make you hear as I want you to hear me.

The wind of anguish still hauls on them as usual.
Sometimes hurricanes of dreams still knock them over.
You listen to other voices in my painful voice.

Lament of old mouths, blood of old supplications.
Love me, companion. Don't forsake me. Follow me.
Follow me, companion, on this wave of anguish.

But my words become stained with your love.
You occupy everything, you occupy everything.

I am making them into an endless necklace
for your white hands, smooth as grapes.

Pablo Neruda