Sunday, September 26, 2010

i want to nap forever

i feel like i've finally found the perfect balance of friends family school work. but now i never have time to sleep. napping has become almost recreational for me. on busses, at friend's houses, sometimes at work on the back desk, classes, brief moments in boring conversations. coffee only helps so much but leaves me erratic, jittery and sometimes even depressed. i think i'll slow down once the pinched nerve starts up again, hahaha (bad joke if you know me really well).

so yesterday a friend and i experimented with popcorn! i can't even really remember how the idea came about, but it was an absolute success. things to remember: allow the gummie bears to melt more. perhaps selective on the types of gummies we put in it? and wait till it's thoroughly popped, the kernels become quite a pain to remove.

my cake noodle adventure begins! i'm quite excited. will let you know how it fairs!

edit: update. cake noodle did not come out amazing. was lacking black bean sauce. oh and, uh, i didn't marinate. next time. ughh.

the noodles were fantastic, just a fyi. might deep fry them next time.

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