i feel like i've finally found the perfect balance of friends family school work. but now i never have time to sleep. napping has become almost recreational for me. on busses, at friend's houses, sometimes at work on the back desk, classes, brief moments in boring conversations. coffee only helps so much but leaves me erratic, jittery and sometimes even depressed. i think i'll slow down once the pinched nerve starts up again, hahaha (bad joke if you know me really well).
so yesterday a friend and i experimented with popcorn! i can't even really remember how the idea came about, but it was an absolute success. things to remember: allow the gummie bears to melt more. perhaps selective on the types of gummies we put in it? and wait till it's thoroughly popped, the kernels become quite a pain to remove.
my cake noodle adventure begins! i'm quite excited. will let you know how it fairs!
edit: update. cake noodle did not come out amazing. was lacking black bean sauce. oh and, uh, i didn't marinate. next time. ughh.
the noodles were fantastic, just a fyi. might deep fry them next time.
so last night was the first time i've ever done the whole ~going out~ alone thing. it was surprisingly not that bad! while there were people i knew everywhere i went i kind of really enjoyed the liberty to arrive and leave when i wanted. initially i went to annas to see the hollow spheres-- i remember seeing them at the linus show and thinking they sounded vaguely like the sea and cake. now i realize that no, not at all, they do not at alllll. not bad though. oh and rolling rock was $3 and i got all nostalgic drinking it so i had three. awesome! crispen lover (named after the actor crispin glover) also played and narwhal as well. didn't stick around for the latter, though.
after crispen lover i really wanted a smithwicks and kind of missed being at mercury so i took a cab there and did just that! cory was closing the bar and i sat with spencer and talked about how crazy drunk the people were being. i guess someone threw a straw at cory's head. madness. kind of missed that sort of intimate merc setting-- suppose it's different because back then it was usually just joe and i at 4pm. now it's just me and the bouncer at 1am.
pretty bummed i didn't get a sausage but that's alright. next year, next time.
today i'm going to embark on some serious food journey. gummie bear popcorn and my first attempt at making cake noodle. i'm pretty excited! i really really love cake noodle. all the recipes call for oyster sauce and i do not have any of that. hate the fishy smell. to be honest i don't even know how to make the stuff that goes on top of the cake noodle. i should probably google that later.
anyway i just wanted to write this because i'm trying to be better at writing what i did down. done!
now that the lake's in place where the dead sea used to be... it seems that i'm ceasing to be in the season of the old me.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
i really like this song! it's so chill.
anyway. school is getting superhyperintense! i have two 1k word papers due in the coming weeks and mid terms all over the place. i want to be able to go out and have fun but i guess it'll have to wait. at least i'll save money this way!
speaking of. i started actually cooking again. i've been too tired and too busy to do it lately. plus the fact that i've been eating out almost every day. plus, getting home at around 1230 leaves me with little energy and time to cook. i've gotten really good at making that carbonara stuff. perfected the flavoring! but again, my work schedule makes it hard to do grocery shopping. thank god safeway on kapahulu is opened so late. now all i need is a new bike with a basket thing so i can carry home food easier.
maybe something like this!!
i don't know why but i'm actually scared of going to a bike shop by myself. i gotta get over it. i gotta get used to doing things alone!
because it was my mom's birthday yesterday. after work we went out to dinner at gazen! it was delicious. i should have ordered suntory yamazaki 12 year instead of the kirin... but it's okay. everything was great. i love the tofu from there way too much.
that's something i want to learn how to do, though. learn to make tofu at home. a simple google search produces thousands of recipes and guides on how to DIY. it seems simple enough if you do it the american way. that is, using soy milk and just curdling it. but for some reason i feel like the consistency wouldn't be the same as that of silken tofu (which is what i want!) made from soy beans. oh well.
there used to be this really great tofu place in manoa called Soy to the World. they used to sell their products and shirokiya and so i'd pick it up on my breaks from work and eat them in the office. so good. i like it when it's mildly sweet and more pudding like than firm. such a great pick me up, miss it so much.
so i guess if i'm going to do this, i'm going to use this video as a reference.
now i really want to eat unohana... haha. here's the blog that made me think of it! if you haven't had it before it's a really yummy side dish! they sell it at most japanese markets premade. my mom used to make it at home from time to time. love ya, tofu!
1. hummus is really good. 2. panini ftw! 3. greek yogurt. pumpkin seeds? really? ruined the whole thing for me. ended up scooping out the remaining yogurt and ate the honey at the bottom. so good. 4. sweet potato skins are the most amazing chip i've ever consumed.
other work related things to mention: the indie station is the worst thing in the world. john butler trio... you can go fuck yourself. black tea lemonade is probably the greatest thing in the world. i can still make rosettas! my coworkers are hilarious and amazing. we blended a donut and it was delicious!
in not-work related news, i've decided to buy pokemon heartgold version and dragon quest V to keep me occupied when i'm not at home playing SC2. although ultimately i shouldn't be playing any games at all and should be doing my homework. oops...
labor day weekend and i'm working! how exciting, but not really. i think it might be time + half so i should be banking it this following paycheck. by the way, i picked mangos yesterday and they're amazing! man i love this time of year so much.
i went out again on first friday! my friend juvana and i (along with another friend, josh) counted 116 men wearing v-necks. ridiculous! i need to stop staying there till 2am. i should just do a classy dive out at around midnight. there are a lot of things i wish were different about the event.
1. bring back the food carts. there used to be so many late into the night! what happened? 2. where's the free wine?! 3. really work on more venues OR more street venues, either or. it gets boring standing in lines i imagine. 4. those really awesome tent set ups they had on hotel before? it's great when needing shields from the rain.
i've begun to feel a little burn out on the event going lately. i think i might just start popping into mercury at around 5pm and then leaving around 9pm, my usual fanfare. we'll see how that works with my schedule, though. i'm up to 38hrs/week at sbux so i'm pretty booked solid.
speaking of booking, i finally am using my ical program on my mac! i've programmed all my major school projects and tests into it. finally getting shit organized.
oh and i bought a blackberry. :) so good! expect food videos soon because i can take video on it, too!
it's funny how when i look back at the past few months, how easy and carefree my life was. just work and play. now throw school in the mix and everything is different. i'm always tired and this time it's legitimate. it's kind of nice, though. i sleep soundly. anyway! quickly! a recap!
thursday (august 26th!) was a night out for me. unusual, since i've been so bombarded with homework and regular work. i originally planned to go to mercury bar's industry night. i didn't hold any particular interest in the bands playing but decided to support and what not. as soon as i walked in a friend pulled me aside and asked me if i wanted to go to manifest. apparently it was their one year anniversary and she didn't want to go alone. sure, i said. we headed there immediately. turns out that in celebration there was free bottled drinks and wells! score! not to mention free food!
aaaaah it was amazing. the music was mediocre but alas, acoustic duos are not my thing. anyway!! it turns out that a friend (or friend of a friend? i don't even know how to describe our relationship!) was at a bar near by. i ended up hanging out with them the rest of the night! i don't even know why! it was amazing. happy belated, ben!! thanks again, guys!
we drank at JJ Dolan's and then headed to manifest for (not free) beers. amazing! so much fun! fuzzy, though.
the start of the semester means relatively cheap food again! i've been filling myself up at the golden river lunch truck which i was introduced to fall of last year. it's hard to make a trip there, though, because my classes are back to back and construction on the walkway between kuykendall and HIG means i have to walk all the way around... i can't always get there in time. i wish all lunch trucks were opened until 3pm at the very least.
today i ate at the india cafe with my friend after our classes. this, fortunately, is a truck that is open till 3pm! which means if i walk fast enough after my last class in the architecture building i can make it in time for a plate! indian food is pretty amazing. photo coming soon!
and here are some photos that just bring a smile to my face. because of my fall (i think i mentioned it a few posts ago) i've had to cover my knee with bandaids daily. the other day i clipped my knee on a fridge at work and it reopened the wound. turns out ABC store only had spongebob bandaids. it reminds me of my old coworker andy. she has a love for sponge bob like no other. miss yaaa.
today after the indian food i headed to the mall and stopped by shirokiya. while browsing the azn hello-kitty section, there was a glass case of cell phone charms. of course i had to stop and look! turns out they have kewpie inspired key chains. among the assortment was the cast of gegege no kitaro. it's this anime i grew up watching as a kid.
anyway, if you don't know what kewpie is, it's this doll thing. it's probably most famous here in hawaii because it's the image on the japanese QP mayonnaise. anyway!! i was amazed. it's just too much cuteness! some of my phone straps are going to have to be retired to make way for these ladies.
anyway things to look forward to: closing the store by myself all next week, finishing this stupid story wallah book, more delicious foods, financial aid finally settling itself, fuck first friday (and first friday, yes yes!), ripe and ready to pick mangos.