thursday (august 26th!) was a night out for me. unusual, since i've been so bombarded with homework and regular work. i originally planned to go to mercury bar's industry night. i didn't hold any particular interest in the bands playing but decided to support and what not. as soon as i walked in a friend pulled me aside and asked me if i wanted to go to manifest. apparently it was their one year anniversary and she didn't want to go alone. sure, i said. we headed there immediately. turns out that in celebration there was free bottled drinks and wells! score! not to mention free food!
aaaaah it was amazing. the music was mediocre but alas, acoustic duos are not my thing. anyway!! it turns out that a friend (or friend of a friend? i don't even know how to describe our relationship!) was at a bar near by. i ended up hanging out with them the rest of the night! i don't even know why! it was amazing. happy belated, ben!! thanks again, guys!
we drank at JJ Dolan's and then headed to manifest for (not free) beers. amazing! so much fun! fuzzy, though.
the start of the semester means relatively cheap food again! i've been filling myself up at the golden river lunch truck which i was introduced to fall of last year. it's hard to make a trip there, though, because my classes are back to back and construction on the walkway between kuykendall and HIG means i have to walk all the way around... i can't always get there in time. i wish all lunch trucks were opened until 3pm at the very least.
today i ate at the india cafe with my friend after our classes. this, fortunately, is a truck that is open till 3pm! which means if i walk fast enough after my last class in the architecture building i can make it in time for a plate! indian food is pretty amazing. photo coming soon!
and here are some photos that just bring a smile to my face. because of my fall (i think i mentioned it a few posts ago) i've had to cover my knee with bandaids daily. the other day i clipped my knee on a fridge at work and it reopened the wound. turns out ABC store only had spongebob bandaids. it reminds me of my old coworker andy. she has a love for sponge bob like no other. miss yaaa.
today after the indian food i headed to the mall and stopped by shirokiya. while browsing the azn hello-kitty section, there was a glass case of cell phone charms. of course i had to stop and look! turns out they have kewpie inspired key chains. among the assortment was the cast of gegege no kitaro. it's this anime i grew up watching as a kid.
anyway, if you don't know what kewpie is, it's this doll thing. it's probably most famous here in hawaii because it's the image on the japanese QP mayonnaise. anyway!! i was amazed. it's just too much cuteness! some of my phone straps are going to have to be retired to make way for these ladies.
anyway things to look forward to: closing the store by myself all next week, finishing this stupid story wallah book, more delicious foods, financial aid finally settling itself, fuck first friday (and first friday, yes yes!), ripe and ready to pick mangos.
as my mom would say. this week looks so umai!
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