Monday, August 2, 2010

this isn't really a blog

as much as it just a little note for myself.

i just played starcraft for four hours straight without really realizing it. i took my dinner in front of my computer. like i did with my lunch. and my early morning breakfast. i don't feel like i'm intentionally isolating myself, as i sent numerous text messages to friends (albeit, starcraft related) but never received responses.

here is a list of bright sides to me playing games this much
-spending less money
-drinking less!
-spending more time with my cat/family

bad sides
-lack of actual human contact
-prolonged numbness in my butt has become almost the norm
-i do go for hours without eating meals, which is probably unhealthy
-lack of sleep
-beginning to neglect basic hygiene. mostly due to the fact that my room is just unnaturally hot and being in here so much is forcing me to take multiple showers a day, which i do not have the time for.

i'm also beginning to sort of incorporate starcraft into my daily life. the other day i was at the supermarket with my dad and there were a bunch of cops outside around this car. turns out, according to the cashier, that some guy was found dead. i immediately got scared but not because the guy was dead. i, for a split second, thought that he was infected with a zerg virus and would zombie march and infect everything around us.

no joke.

i need a life.

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