on wednesday i opened at starbucks for the first time. it was kind of exciting! i get the feeling this whole "she's the newbie" thing is an excuse to be curt, somewhat rude with me. but it's only temporary. once i get to know everyone i'm sure they'll be close, warm, and friendly. just gotta keep at it.
on the way there was a bit of trouble. i rode my bike. i was riding down royal hawaiian ave, towards the shopping center and i rode onto the side walk and dismounted. "HEY. YOU!" came from behind me and i turned around. a cop was running towards me, some 200 ft away, waiving frantically. "YOU'RE BREAKING THE LAW." she shouted as she slowed towards me. "i'm sorry? what's the problem?" "you're riding on a sidewalk." "um, no, i got off my bike when i got on the sidewalk." "yes, exactly." "then what's the problem?" this woman went on to explain to me that had there been a pedestrian trying to cross the street, i would have hit him with my bicycle and caused him serious injury, possibly killing him. "could you live with that?" she asked. "well, obviously i can't. but there was no one there." i replied. she glared. "don't get smart with me. you're supposed to dismount on the street before getting onto the sidewalk." okay officer, i get it, i totally understand. "if i see you around here again i'll cite you." "what?" "you heard me. i'll cite you." "for what?" "chances are you'll be doing something illegal and i'll get you for it. you can bet your life on it."
when i got home later that morning and told my mom this story she said to me, "women cops are the worst. they're so hysterical and crazy." hahaha. she's probably right. but i've met some nice women cops before. this one was just nuts. gah.
these last few days have been such a blur which saddens me because today is my last day at satura. i doubt i'll have time to get nostalgic because i have to hustle over to starbucks and work the closing shift. last night after i got off there, mom and i got kotteri ramen at tenkaippin. my mouth still reeks of garlic as a result.
the other day i ate at that plate lunch place next to rainbow mart in palolo. i haven't been to the newly renovated one so i thought i'd give it a try. it was pretty good.
chicken cutlet with gravy. portion was amazingly perfect. saw a guy eating hamburger steak so i might have to give that one a try next time. pretty reasonable prices. got my drink at the convenience store, too.
anyway. not much else to say. boobs.
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