One of the shitty things about digital cameras is having to upload the photos onto your computer. I'm so lazy/forgetful. So my posts are always so bulky. Maybe this summer there will be some consistency, but I wouldn't bet my money on it.
Anyway! Basically, I don't think I've mentioned Pizza Club before. Basically, Joe and I (since we met almost three years ago) make bi-monthly meets to eat pizza and shoot the shit. Most of our ventures were to Sam's Club because we're reasonably poor, but sometimes we'd splurge and go to someplace fancy like J.J.'s. Anyway, we've gotten more creative with the club.
On this meet, we got a Frechetta five cheese brick oven! Which we added mushrooms and LOTS of garlic to.
Out of the oven. Onto my plate!
Site note: should saute the mushrooms before garnishing, they released too much moisture onto the pizza.
Joe's house is hilarious. He has these pidgin fridge magnets that his roommate got while in Molokai. Daikon legs and onolicious are my two faves.
Plus they had these sweet magnets. "Splatapus" hahaha!
And that's about it. Here's a CPK pizza to finish!
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