I ate at Tenkaippin (which, by the way, is my second favorite ramen place of all time) because I figured hot soup and tons of garlic would help me out. I guess in a way it did. Gyoza was a bit soggy on this visit, but who cares. Kotteri forever!
(and for comparisons sake, a photo from my favorite ramen place, Nakamura Ramen)
Anyway, I wanted to bake muffins and Dan suggested cranberry orange so I made some. I found this amazing recipe from Bakingdom and they turned out amazing. The recipe is on that website if you wanted to make them yourself.
This is pre-glaze.
Post glaze with sugar topping. Funny thing about the topping-- I ran out of white sugar so I had to use brown. But it was refrigerated, so it was a little moist and dissolved a bit when I mixed it with the orange zest. Whoops! Still came out amazing though!
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