Ryan Adams and Kurt Cobain, hahaha. Behind them are my favorite newspaper clippings I had saved over the years.
90% of the entries in my journal are ridiculous. I wrote a "favorite actors vs hottest actors" list. And favorite bands list (Aquabats and Hippos were tied for #1, apparently). And I wrote about the entire winter I spent in Japan in 2003 (the last time I was there). And an entry about my first concert (RHCP, ticket stub included!). I also copied several Dorothy Parker poems in their entirety. Yeah, all of Lullaby. My hand writing got really shaky towards the end of that one.
My favorite is a description of my cousin Yuri and our first encounter.
Yuri's family lives in a really small apartment in Tokyo. Yuri is sort of... scary. I mean she looks scary, but she's a really a perfectly normal person. Her hair is so long it touches the backs of her knees. Her eye brows connect, too. She sort of reminds me of the girl from The Ring. Anyway, we went to the katsu restaurant next to her house. It's called Charleston. My grandma wouldn't read the menu to me. Yuri's parents are weird. Her mom is pregnant. She's due in february. I had a katsu don. It was good.
So stupid. Hahaha. The last entry is dated 09.19.03. I decided to start updating it again, mostly to log my manic episodes. Strangely, writing this blog entry calmed my mania down so I guess I'll finally go to sleep!