Sunday, February 28, 2010

because my mom said so

Thursday! So my mom had just finished cooking dinner. It was the first time I had been home to eat for over a week and I was excited to see what she had prepared. My mom is Japanese, so she spends way too much time making food look pretty and delicious. BUT she's American enough to spend just as much time making it taste amazing.

Not-beef stew, ocean salad + tomatoes, some kind of misozuke, and mugicha!

I told my mom at the beginning of the year that I was thinking about starting and maintaining a food blog. She said I should post all the meals she makes so she can get a fan base and sell a cooking book (jokingly, of course). But since that convo, she always asks me to take pictures of her meals. "What, it's not good enough for you blog?" So this post is for you, mom. Photos of meals you've made for me. Sorry there aren't as many as you thought there would be.

Tri-tip steak medium rare, grilled bell pepper and carrots, white miso soup with aburage and gobo, ahi poke, rice + this grain mix that my mom puts in it (i'll find out what it's called)

Hiyashi ramen with homemade chashu!

Tri-tip again! With stirfried gobo/mixed frozen greens, miso eggplant, and rice!

note to self: get a better camera.

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