Well, this isn't from today. This is actually from April so it's pretty old but hey! I am proud to announce that I have eaten an entire double down. Half with Dan, the other half with Joe (on a separate occasion). I will probably never eat one again because a) they're incredibly expensive and b) saltyyyyy. Yikes!
Guess who went to the 50th State Fair? This girl!
Dan and his sister are the cutest!
I mean look at this! Even though she got grass in it somehow she still managed to be as cute as a kitten!
Deep fried twinkies! Sad there were no oreos left :(
Anyway, I didn't get motion sickness! I was horrified on the Inverter. Carnival rides are so yucky! :(
Dan won me a dog thing. Yay! His sister kind of nabbed the rest of the dolls, which I think I'm alright with. Smurfette! I should've took a photo. Anyway-- my next baking project is caramel almond tarts!